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Museums Want You to Think about the Conditions for Art Making

About the Museum of Craft and Design’s Fight and Flight exhibition, collective housing for artists, and books about their homes and studios.

What does it take to be, and continue being, an artist? First and foremost, a place to live. Cities and neighborhoods offering cheap rent often play an important part in establishing new movements. Think the Beats generation and North Beach in San Francisco, the school of Paris in Montparnasse or the role of the Provence landscape in the work of Van Gogh and the impressionists. The Museum of Craft and Design’s Fight and Flight exhibition asks what it takes to continue making art in a region, the Bay Area, known for its astronomical rent and costs of living.

Michelle Yi Martin, Petaled Cosmos (2023)
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The Artist is a Parent

What do we miss when we overlook parenthood in artists’ lives?

The Paris Picasso Museum 2023 exhibition,“The Collection in a New Light”, opens with Picasso’s famous portrait of his eldest son, Paulo. Yet, the way fatherhood shaped his work is rarely, if ever, examined. What do we miss when we overlook parenthood in artists’ lives?

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